This has been another great week!
On Monday, after emailing, Sister Wilkins and I taught a
lesson at a new investigator's house! It
turned out to be really great! He is so
nice, and he really wants to learn more.
In fact, while I was on splits later that week, Sister Wilkins taught
him again! He is doing really well!
On Tuesday, we taught English. It went really well! I feel like it's getting easier to teach as I
teach more. I hope that I continue to get
better. I taught one class and Sister
Wilkins taught the other class. Afterward,
we headed home and worked there and ate ice cream! :)
Wednesday was filled with more English class. I taught with Sister Guild. We had about 20 students, which we will break
into two classes this coming week. 20
students is a lot. But the class went
great! The students really want to
learn, and they are really funny! They
don't really get sarcasm, though. So I
was being sarcastic giving them an example of how I want to go to Mongolia
because I hear it's so warm all the time.
And they all just stared at me until one guy raised his hand and said,
"um it gets really cold in the winter....uhh...I mean it gets warm in the
summer....." hahahaha It was a
little awkward, but I just moved on...haha
On Thursday, I was on a split with Sister Guild. We worked really hard all day on nuts and
bolts kinds of things. And we went to
English. On Thursday we teach the
workers, but nobody came. So we studied
Mongolian. And it was fun. And a little long since we just sat for four
hours. Luckily we brought some stuff to
do. When we switched back to our regular
companions, we got some cake, so it made my life happier! :)
Friday was super great because after weekly planning, I was
able to teach a lesson to an investigator about temples. I love temples! And it was fun to teach her that her family
can be together forever. She is really
excited! :)
Saturday I was on a split with Sister Bennett. We started off with an English training all
morning. It was really productive
because we talked about curriculum and how to present it. I think some good changes are coming that are
going to really improve the program. I'm
sure our students will appreciate them!
They also fed us pizza, which was a bonus! Afterward, we studied and then taught a
lesson to one of Sister Bennett's investigators. We taught her about trusting in God. And it was really cute because afterward, she
said, "Thank you! That was a lesson
I really needed!" We shared Alma
36:3 (I think) where Alma is telling his son, Helaman, to trust in God. We then read in Alma 56 about how 10 years
later, Helaman leads the 2000 Strippling Warriors to battle. They fight for their freedom and for their
families, and they trust in God with perfect faith. Nobody dies.
God didn't take away the problem from Helaman, but because he trusted in
God, he was protected. And that is how
it is with us. Even when life doesn't go
our way, if we trust in God and know that He will lead us to the best things,
we will be blessed.
On Sunday, we had church.
And our investigator came! And
another investigator came! And
another! It was SUCH a great day! I loved being a part of the three kids in a
family all coming to church and sitting together! All are really busy adults, and they just
looked so happy to be all together.
Also, someone found out I could play the piano, so I played for
Sacrament Meeting and Relief Society.
It's good to be playing again! :)
After church, we taught two lessons.
The first went well, even though they asked not to meet with us
anymore. They are a really great family,
and they asked for just occasional visits.
We are grateful for their honesty, and we look forward to dropping by
and sharing a spiritual thought every once in a while! :) The second lesson was really fun because we
taught a whole bunch of super awesome and cute girls! One investigator and 4 new members. They are adorable! And so strong! And kind.
And patient with me and my Mongolian!
I love the people here for being so patient with my Mongolian. And I'm learning that actions work too!
I love you all and am grateful for your emails and prayers
and support! I hope you're all
happy! I sure am! And that's what God wants for us! :)
Sister Bottorff
"This is what happens during weekly planning, It's tiring. haha"
"The lake and some of the houses in our ward! :) They are so cute and colorful!"
"My cute friends. :)"
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