So, this week was crazy. Like really crazy. But it started
great! With a visit to the Gandin (Buddhist Temple) and a trip to Round
Table Pizza, I left wanting to explode, but it just tasted so good!
That night we met up with a family whose little daughter was in an
accident. But the daughter looked so good! She sang us a song and
was so stinking cute. After that visit, we held family home evening with
the young single adults. My new member was there, but another new member
who was supposed to meet us there didn't come. But it was fun to see my
new member from the other ward.
Tuesday we went to my amazing grandma's house. She wouldn't
let go again. But this time was especially heartbreaking because Sister
Bollwinkel was saying goodbye. We lingered a little extra that day.
It made me so excited to go back and see her again. Our other
appointments cancelled left and right, and nobody else was able to meet.
So we explored our area. The ger districts are pretty disorganized, so at
every fork in the road, we just randomly picked a direction to go. We saw
some cool fences and gers and dogs that way - it was a great time!
Transfer calls came out Tuesday night! I'll stay in Tuul (cutting my area
in half since I was in 2 wards before) and I'm going to TRAIN again! The
only catch is that my trainee won't come for a week or so. That's where
the crazy begins.
I was sad to take Sister Bollwinkel's stuff to the church on
Wednesday. The apartment feels so empty, but it's so clean and ready for
my new trainee! Sister Bollwinkel moved to the church and then we went
out to dinner and got her situated. We also helped some other sisters
move around and pack their things for the transfer. Transfers are always
exciting. I met up with Sister Austin and Sister Wilcox (the other 2
trainers) that night. We are staying across the city from my apartment.
Thursday we planned for next and ran some errands. At the
end of the day we went to the church and said our last goodbyes to the sisters
leaving our mission. We miss them already! But I'm excited to hear
about their adventures! They are amazing.
On Friday, we tried to teach lessons, but none of them worked
out. But then we got to go over to Sister Brezenski's apartment and help by
making them food for dinner since she and her companion were both sick. I
love serving!
Saturday we went to two district meetings and a relief society
activity (we made tie blankets for the babies in my ward!) and a baptism.
It was crazy running around all day. And at the end of the day we went
all the way across town and I got dropped off with Sister Hansen and Sister
Guild so that Sunday could go smoother.
Sunday was pretty smooth, all things considered. We went to
the long-distance branch at 10. Sister Hansen and Sister Guild are the
missionaries in that branch, and we listened to the sacrament there. Then
we ran over to my ward (across town) to see my people for sacrament.
After that sacrament we went to their ward's 3 hour block. After church
we were starving and ate a good dinner before teaching a cute 24 year old girl
in their area. Then we went back to their house and made brownies.
I met up with my other companions on Monday morning and we taught
English at the school lab all day yesterday. We'll teach again tomorrow,
too. This week is crazy and fun! It's what missionary life is
like. Flexibility is the key to success. And thank goodness I have
so many great sisters in my mission who are willing! Well, now we're
actually down to 9 American sisters in the mission. Crazy. But we
are having a party over here, so don't worry about us!
Love you!
Sister Bottorff
The Buddha inside
Me and Sister Bollwinkle
Nice digs, no?
A great time at the Relief Society activity!
Making tie blankets - service comes in many forms
I love sunsets!
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